You can draw a straight line from Liars Poker to Fed Up!

Experience the heartbeat of the market
Macros. Markets. Money. Madness. Fed Up! is a whirlwind journey through the worst panic since the Great Depression. From the decadence of an exuberant market bubble to the depths of the COVID-19 fueled market crash and into the early innings of a recovery, this story is a roller coaster of modern financial markets chronicling the men and women who make them move. Can they beat the markets, or will the markets beat them?
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Fed Up! tells the story of a global macro trader working amidst the greatest market panic we have seen since the Great Depression. As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads across the world, readers are taken through the late-stage decadence of an exuberant market bubble to the depths of the market crash and into the early innings of a recovery. It provides readers with a front row seat on trading activity, allowing them to experience the heartbeat of the markets.
It’s also about money and opportunity. It’s about the moral dilemma of a man who is struggling as he reaches his own peak. Readers will experience the frenetic pace of life as a trader and will connect with the protagonist, experiencing his struggle to balance his personal values with the compromised values of the world around him. It shines a light on the largest policy issues confronting the U.S., while offering an entertaining and humorous look at the guys and gals who are the new market operators.
This riveting account of the 2020 market crash from inside the mind of a global macro trader will serve as an exciting, nail-biting record of current times. It is about making fortunes while the world slips into misfortune.
Excessive, profane, and right on the mark. Macro is back!
Founder of Light Sky Macro

Colin Lancaster
Colin Lancaster is a 25-year Wall Street professional. He has run two of the highest profile global macro businesses for the top-performing hedge funds in the world and has worked directly for a number of the icons of the investing world. Most recently he was Head of Macro Strategies at Citadel and prior to that he was Head of Macro at Balyasny Asset Management. He has managed investment operations in London, New York, Hong Kong, Singapore, Chicago, and San Francisco. Colin is a graduate of Princeton University and is a lawyer by original training. He and his wife have three daughters. In his spare time, he enjoys yoga and reading.
Fed-Up! strikes all the right chords and moves faster than a rock concert
…It’s a very good read on how the economy and central banks interplay with one another. It outdoes some of Mike Lewis’ best…I promise you won’t be sorry you read this book!
It’s a great book for those interested in the workings of the stock market…as Lancaster …explains what the life of a trader is really like.
Fed Up!… should be considered a basic acquisition not just for business, fiction, and economic collections, but history and social issues holdings alike.

Chapter 1
I couldn’t take it anymore. The world had $17 trillion of negative yielding debt, global growth was at stall speed, and wealth inequality was out of control. Greed was back in vogue. And outside, it was turning to fall. The days were growing colder, and it had rained solid for the past eight days. Even for London, it sucked.
And then this. A tweet from the President of the United States of America:
As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done that before!).
Most of the world, me included, had become numb to this type of tweet. But this one, well, it broke my back.
It wasn’t about the politics, or the fact that we had taken a long position in the Turkish lira, which was about to get jammed down our throats. The Big D, the leader of the free world, in his “great and unmatched wisdom,” had openly threatened another world power in a mere 140 characters. How could the US president post this to social media? Was this all a dream, some sort of parallel universe? A big mistake?
But fuck it. We’re in a ten-year bull market and are starting to make money again. A lot of money. It’s been a while since we had a month like this. It’s time to celebrate.
Even the recent yield curve inversions, such as the three-month/ten-year Treasury spread, are back to positive. These positives might just be a nail in the coffin in terms of the predicted upcoming recession. After all, they say the market is the best predictor of recessions, and yield curve inversions like this don’t lie. They’re never wrong. But not today. The Federal Reserve—the world’s biggest central bank—is pivoting. Jerome (Jay) Powell, the head of the Fed, is making a mid-cycle adjustment that will drive stocks higher. And there’s no way he can stop now. He has to cut rates again at the end of the month.
Markets are going up.
The Crash and the Aftermath
Traders made fortunes on the world’s misfortune in 2020. Fed Up! is your inside look at how it all went down. Enjoy this sneak peek of Fed Up!